How to Profit When The Stock Market Crashes

Many of us have been through various “market” crashes in our lives. Recent market crashes we’ve experienced would be the tech bubble in 2000 and the real estate and stock market crashes of 2008. Each market crash provides two very important opportunities: 1. Opportunities to learn 2. Opportunities to maximize wealth I, like many others,…
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This “Real” Investment Provides $9,240 of Income

From time-to-time, I like to share real investments and their actual returns. I find this to be helpful because many investing examples are hypothetical and it is hard to “see” actual results. So in this article, I’m going to share an actual investment one of my clients recently made and the actual numbers. Hopefully, this…
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Flip or Rent?

You wouldn’t believe the battle I have with clients over flipping homes vs. renting homes. Everyone wants to buy homes to fix up and resell. Nobody wants to buy a home and hold it as a long-term rental property. The real underlying decision someone considering these two options really becomes: Do I want to become…
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Triple Compounding

On this site, I often highlight the magic of compound interest. Compounding occurs when your money makes more money for you. Your money goes to work to bring back more money for you and your family. Well, once you truly grasp the magical power of compounding, you’ll probably start to look for ways to maximize…
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Want a Guaranteed 129% Return On Your Investment? Do this…

If you have a mortgage, you should take a few minutes to study your amortization schedule. You might be surprised to see how powerful prepaying your mortgage might be. In fact, prepaying your mortgage may provide a 129% return on investment. To see how this might be, we have to work through a few numbers….
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How to Get Everything You Want to Buy for Free

    Black Friday is a crazy day. We get up extremely early, we wait in crazy long lines and then we wrestle products away from other shoppers…all to save 20 or 30% off the purchase price. The crazy part about this one day is you can actually arrange every purchase to get it for…
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Check out these foreclosure deals…

I network with many real estate agents throughout North America. One of these agents sent me a list for foreclosures for Orange County, California. Here it is: Click on the image to enlarge. These properties are assumed to be good deals in their market, as they are foreclosures and short sale opportunities. The lowest priced…
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A $15 Monthly Mortgage Payment?

The typical first time buyer does what everyone else does. They get preapproved and start looking at homes that match their criteria. Once they find and fall in love with a home, they happily purchase the home and start their long future of making monthly mortgage payments. These mortgage payments consume a significant portion of…
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