Buying Freedom or Building Wealth?

Instead of building wealth, I learned to buy freedom.

What is your primary goal when you invest? Or another way to ask the same question might be what are you trying to achieve with your investments? Should you buy freedom or build your wealth? This is an important consideration because your answer(s) dictate how you should invest. Some people may respond to this question…
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The financial benefit to building pipelines

Building pipelines.

Am I hauling buckets, or am I building pipelines? Many years ago, I remember reading a story about a small village in Robert Kiyosaki’s book, “The Cashflow Quadrant.” In the story, the small village didn’t have water so they hired two different people to bring clean water into the village on a consistent basis. The…
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I was dying

First I was dying to finish high school and start college. And then I was dying to finish college and start working. And then I was dying to marry and have children. And then I was dying for my children to grow old enough for school so I could return to work. And then I…
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How 10 average folks became multi-millionaires

One of my favorite things to do is ready about average people who build significant wealth during their lifetimes. For some reason, these real life case studies resonate with me. They show the true power of investing and the real magic of compound interest. We typically only hear about the mega billionaires and how they…
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Lessons from My Mentor’s Divorce

Many years ago, one of mentors told me a story about his divorce. Don’t worry, this isn’t the typical “ugly” divorce story and the story does have a happy ending. As you’ll see, this is actually an investing lesson wrapped. This particular mentor was a multi-millionaire. He didn’t have an easy life and actually had…
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99.1% of Buffett’s Wealth Came After His 53rd Birthday

Last year, I read an article on Business Insider that indicated that 99.1% of Warren Buffett’s wealth came after his 50th birthday. I have thought about this several times since reading the article and decided to look into it a little further myself. According to a recent Google search, Buffett’s net worth is currently estimated…
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Warren Buffett’s Pinball Machines

Warren Buffett's pinball machine theory.

In Warren Buffett’s biography, The Snowball, I found an interesting story from when he was seventeen. He read about an idea of buying a used pinball machine and using the income generated by the first machine to buy additional used pinball machines. So Warren bought a used pinball machine for $25 and went into the local…
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9 Things That Cause Misery

We all want to live a good life. A big part of living a good life is learning to avoid self-inflicted misery. Misery is defined as a cause or source of great distress or discomfort. Oddly enough, we make numerous choices in our lives that cause both short-term and long-term misery. In other words, we…
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The Dollar

Many years ago, I read an article about Jamey Johnson in Men’s Journal. Because he seemed like a cool dude, I decided to look into him. This was a little odd for me, because Johnson is a county music star and I wasn’t a fan of country music. Through Johnson, I ended up learning to…
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