The Marshmallow Test

  Back in the 1960s a study at Stanford University was completed with preschoolers. This study is now referred to as the “Marshmallow Test.” They presented the preschool children with two choices: ONE marshmallow they could eat immediately OR TWO marshmallows if they waited alone for 20 minutes Years after this study the research team…
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A Portfolio of Properties?

When I talk with new clients I typically will try to understand what their goals are with regards to their investments. Some aren’t concerned with current income and are focused more on long-term appreciation. Others aren’t worried too much about long-term appreciation and are focused more on maximizing current income. Depending on the client’s goals,…
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How To Increase Your Income

Want to increase you monthly income? Well, you have a three choices… 1. Increase the number of hours you work 2. Increase your rate of pay – hourly or salary 3. Get other people to work for you On a high level, these are the only 3 ways we can increase our income. Think about…
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What you measure improves

One of the businesses I used to own was a Fit Body Bootcamp franchise. Our goal in the business was to help our members lose body fat and get in the best shape of their lives. We had a lot of success with this goal and it was incredible to witness these physical transformations. To…
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New Fairport Harbor Indoor Water Park – Investment Opportunity?

When I started investing 20 years ago, I thought seriously about focusing my investments in the Fairport area. The reason why is because I thought the area was ripe for development. Plus, it was a lake front community with an amazing little beach. My thinking on this opportunity was obviously a little early as the…
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The “Layaway Life Plan”

The life plan most of us are taught to follow is to go to college in order to get a good job. Once we get our good job, we are taught to open up a 401k plan and save 10% of our paychecks. After 30, 40, or even 50 years of working, we’ll hopefully have…
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How to Get a Four Year College Degree for Just $20,000

College can become one of our largest expenses as parents. This expenses escalates significantly with each child we have. As an example, the tuition and board for a in-state college in our area will probably average around $20,000 a year. If our child graduates in four years, this investment will total $80,000 upon graduation. Now…
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Needing Money

“It vexes me greatly that you should have found me in need, and… that having to earn my living has forced me to interrupt my work and to attend to lesser matters instead of following up the work which your Lordship entrusted me.”  Leonardo Da Vinci I’m reading “Leonardo’s Brain: Understanding Da Vinci’s Creative Genius”…
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Advice from “The Gambler!”

Warning this post and this video contain adult language! If you’re easily offended, please do not watch this video or read any further. Last week I participated in a conference call with a group of awesome investors from Canada. During the call, I was asked THE question I have been working on for the last…
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How This 30 Year Old Setup an $8,000 Annual Raise for Life

At the end of 2014, I received an email from someone who had stumbled across this website. He asked if we could meet because he was thinking of buying his first rental property. We ended up meeting for coffee at Panera and I was really impressed by him. He was in his 30s and it…
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