The Marshmallow Test

  Back in the 1960s a study at Stanford University was completed with preschoolers. This study is now referred to as the “Marshmallow Test.” They presented the preschool children with two choices: ONE marshmallow they could eat immediately OR TWO marshmallows if they waited alone for 20 minutes Years after this study the research team…
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What you measure improves

One of the businesses I used to own was a Fit Body Bootcamp franchise. Our goal in the business was to help our members lose body fat and get in the best shape of their lives. We had a lot of success with this goal and it was incredible to witness these physical transformations. To…
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Needing Money

“It vexes me greatly that you should have found me in need, and… that having to earn my living has forced me to interrupt my work and to attend to lesser matters instead of following up the work which your Lordship entrusted me.”  Leonardo Da Vinci I’m reading “Leonardo’s Brain: Understanding Da Vinci’s Creative Genius”…
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99.1% of Buffett’s Wealth Came After His 53rd Birthday

Last year, I read an article on Business Insider that indicated that 99.1% of Warren Buffett’s wealth came after his 50th birthday. I have thought about this several times since reading the article and decided to look into it a little further myself. According to a recent Google search, Buffett’s net worth is currently estimated…
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All about wealth

All about wealth. There is a popular song playing on the radio now that I’ve grown to hate. I’ve heard it over a hundred times and it drives me nuts. The song is by Meghan Trainor and the title is “All About That Bass.” I’m sure you’ve heard it, a few dozen times by now….
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The Number ONE Rule for Investing

Warren Buffett is famous for saying the number one rule for investing is to never lose money. He went on to say the 2nd rule for investing is to always remember the first rule. After thinking about Buffett’s rule for several years, I have come to realize he means to try and find investing opportunities…
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How To Get Others To Save a Million Dollars For You

This morning I was reading an interesting article on about compound interest when saw this graph: (Click the picture to enlarge) This chart shows how much a person would have to save at various ages in order to accumulate $1,000,000 by the age of 65. Each monthly savings amount was calculated assuming you would…
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“Eureka! Here’s The Goose That Lays The Golden Egg.”

Right now, I’m reading a biography titled, “The Richest Woman in America.” It’s the fascinating story of Hetty Green who compounded the inheritance of her father’s estate into $100 million in 1912. In today’s dollars, this amounts to $2 billion. Here is an interesting quote from the book: “While Edward (Hetty’s husband) engaged in business…
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