How to Get A Free College Education for Your Children

Free college. We all want it. I’ve attended several financial aid meetings at my daughter’s high school and one of the most common question parents always ask is: “How Can We Get More College Scholarships for Our Children?” Parents want to know about every possible scholarship available including local and national scholarships. I don’t blame…
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Saving for Lilly’s College Education

Over the weekend, I happened to see this commercial by Quicken Loans. In the commercial, Lilly’s mom refinanced her home in order to reduce her mortgage payment by $312. The extra $312 per month saved by refinancing is going to be saved for Lilly’s college education. It’s not a bad idea, assuming Lilly’s mother didn’t…
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How to Get a Four Year College Degree for Just $20,000

College can become one of our largest expenses as parents. This expenses escalates significantly with each child we have. As an example, the tuition and board for a in-state college in our area will probably average around $20,000 a year. If our child graduates in four years, this investment will total $80,000 upon graduation. Now…
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Needing Money

“It vexes me greatly that you should have found me in need, and… that having to earn my living has forced me to interrupt my work and to attend to lesser matters instead of following up the work which your Lordship entrusted me.”  Leonardo Da Vinci I’m reading “Leonardo’s Brain: Understanding Da Vinci’s Creative Genius”…
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