How to Save Money and Find Great Contractors for Maintenance & Repairs

As an owner of dividend real estate, you’ll have occasional repairs and maintenance on your asset. The best way to have these issues handled is through a contractor you have used previously, or through referrals from friends and family. This way you’ll know you’re getting quality work.

However, what do you do when you don’t know a reputable contractor? Google them, right?

It is kind of risky to Google “Plumber”, because you don’t know if the contractor you end up calliing will do quality work.

If you need to make a repair, but don’t have a reliable contractor consider checking out “Angie’s List – The Big Deal.”

You’ll be able to see discounted offers from contractors in your area. These contractors include just about every service you’ll need for your dividend real estate.

As an example, let’s assume you have a water leak and need to find a plumber. You’ll find discount offers from plumbers on Angie’s List – The Big Deal  like this one:

Angie's List - The Big DealContractors offer these deals as way to get new long-term customers. They’re willing to offer a discount because they’re hoping to become your contractor for life. This gives you the opportunity to save a little money and “test” the contractor’s work.

If they do great work, you now have a new plumber you can use for all future repairs. If they don’t do good work, simply use a different Angie’s List deal for your next plumbing issue.

You’ll find Angie’s List deals for carpet cleaning, plumbing, painting, home renovation, window cleaning, electrical, door repair, remodeling, and more.