Warren Buffett’s Pinball Machines

Warren Buffett's pinball machine theory.

In Warren Buffett’s biography, The Snowball, I found an interesting story from when he was seventeen. He read about an idea of buying a used pinball machine and using the income generated by the first machine to buy additional used pinball machines. So Warren bought a used pinball machine for $25 and went into the local…
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How to Profit When The Stock Market Crashes

Many of us have been through various “market” crashes in our lives. Recent market crashes we’ve experienced would be the tech bubble in 2000 and the real estate and stock market crashes of 2008. Each market crash provides two very important opportunities: 1. Opportunities to learn 2. Opportunities to maximize wealth I, like many others,…
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Triple Compounding

On this site, I often highlight the magic of compound interest. Compounding occurs when your money makes more money for you. Your money goes to work to bring back more money for you and your family. Well, once you truly grasp the magical power of compounding, you’ll probably start to look for ways to maximize…
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The Number ONE Rule for Investing

Warren Buffett is famous for saying the number one rule for investing is to never lose money. He went on to say the 2nd rule for investing is to always remember the first rule. After thinking about Buffett’s rule for several years, I have come to realize he means to try and find investing opportunities…
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Trapping yourself in wealth

This morning I woke up and sat down to continue reading “Family Fortunes – How to Build Family Wealth and Hold Onto It for 100 Years” by Bill and Will Bonner. This really is a fantastic book highlighting the differences between old money and new money. It really is an eye opener and definitely worth…
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