A Portfolio of Properties?

When I talk with new clients I typically will try to understand what their goals are with regards to their investments. Some aren’t concerned with current income and are focused more on long-term appreciation. Others aren’t worried too much about long-term appreciation and are focused more on maximizing current income. Depending on the client’s goals,…
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How To Increase Your Income

Want to increase you monthly income? Well, you have a three choices… 1. Increase the number of hours you work 2. Increase your rate of pay – hourly or salary 3. Get other people to work for you On a high level, these are the only 3 ways we can increase our income. Think about…
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What you measure improves

One of the businesses I used to own was a Fit Body Bootcamp franchise. Our goal in the business was to help our members lose body fat and get in the best shape of their lives. We had a lot of success with this goal and it was incredible to witness these physical transformations. To…
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How to Profit When The Stock Market Crashes

Many of us have been through various “market” crashes in our lives. Recent market crashes we’ve experienced would be the tech bubble in 2000 and the real estate and stock market crashes of 2008. Each market crash provides two very important opportunities: 1. Opportunities to learn 2. Opportunities to maximize wealth I, like many others,…
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